The Good News

…I have loved you with an everlasting love…
Jeremiah 31:3
A Love Everlasting And Unconditional

At the best of times, between even the best of people, the love we have for one another is often conditional. We still expect something in return. We expect our love to be reciprocated. But the love that God has for us is not like that at all. His love for us is everlasting and totally unconditional.

“What if I’ve fallen into sin and stayed away from church? Does God still love me then?”

Yes, my friend, God still loves you and if you would open up your heart to His goodness, His goodness will lead you to repentance (Romans 2:4). Even when you have turned your back toward God, His love and light still shine on you. You only have to turn back to Him and receive His love. You will find His grace right there to help you overcome whatever sin you are struggling with.

Beloved, He waits patiently for you to turn back to Him, just like the father in the story of the prodigal son. He is not just a God of second chances, He is a God of many chances. His love for you is unconditional, unshakable and unchanging. He loves you and is for you—then, now and forevermore!

By Pastor Joseph Prince

The Good News

These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.
1 John 5:13
Right Believing Produces Right Living

Everyone who came to Jesus for healing was healed. Yet, there were those who were right in His presence that didn’t get healed. Who were they?

They were the religious folk who focused on right living outwardly, but didn’t have right believing inwardly—they didn’t believe in Jesus. They had a form of self-righteousness and didn’t see their need for the Savior. I am talking about the Pharisees. There is no record of any one of them getting healed in the Gospels. The ones who got healed and received miracles of provision, restoration and transformation from Him were people who simply believed in Jesus and His goodness. They weren’t perfect in their behavior, but they had right believing.

My friend, right believing is at the root of right living. Right believing in the goodness and grace of our Lord Jesus is like an “on” switch that allows His power and grace to flow into your life and transform it. It gives you new desires and new strength. You will want to live right for the glory of Jesus.

So don’t worry about right living. Instead, make sure that you are believing right by constantly feeding on the gospel of Jesus Christ. When you believe right, you will live right to the glory of God!

By Pastor Joseph Prince

The Good News

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Galatians 2:20
Rest In Jesus Whose Faith Never Wavers

Did you know that our faith can sometimes stand in the way of us receiving our miracles? How? When our faith is in our faith and we are preoccupied with it. Instead of looking at Jesus, we look at ourselves and ask, “Do I have enough faith? Did I pray with enough faith?”

My friend, it’s not about faith in your faith, but faith in the person of JESUS, whose faith is perfect and never wavers! When you are preoccupied with Jesus—His goodness, grace and compassion toward you—you will have unconscious faith. When you see His grace, He sees your faith!

Beloved, stop trying to muster up more faith. Simply rest in Christ who has all the faith for your miracle. All you need to do is see His grace and latch onto His faith that never wavers, and you will experience the breakthrough you desire!

By Pastor Joseph Prince

The Good News

And when the dew fell on the camp in the night, the manna fell on it.
Numbers 11:9
Grace For Your Darkest Moments

Look at today’s verse and notice that the manna fell on the camp of the Israelites during the night.

My friend, night speaks of the darkest moments in one’s life. This means that in your darkest moments, God is still supplying you His “manna” or grace. He has not abandoned you and left you to your own devices. No, He is still there with you, caring for you, watching over you and working things out for your good.

So beloved, rest in God’s love for you and let Him sort things out for you. Stop trying to solve the problem in your own strength and wisdom—let God be God to you. He is with you, for your success and will provide for your needs. His grace for you falls afresh every day. His mercies that are new every morning will also see you through the darkest nights!

Today, just see His grace upon you and all around you. Be conscious of it, thank Him for it, and see His grace do wonders for you!

By Pastor Joseph Prince

The Good News

For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.”
Romans 8:15, NIV
The Spirit Of Sonship

The Spirit of sonship which we have received from God is the Spirit by which we cry, “Abba, Father.” Have you ever cried to God like He is your Daddy? Yes, He is El Shaddai. He is Elohim. But in the new covenant He is Daddy! The Holy Spirit put the Aramaic word “Abba” there, which means “Daddy” or “Papa” in English, and didn’t have it translated because He wants us to know that God is not a distant, impersonal being, but a close and intimate Daddy! That is the Spirit of sonship.

My friend, when you pray, learn to say, “Dear Daddy God…” Forget the formalities and traditions of man. Just call Him “Daddy”, and sense His closeness to you. You can bring all your cares, worries and anxieties to Him, knowing that the all-powerful King of the universe is your Daddy!

At the cross, Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46). For the first time, He addressed His Father as “God.” He experienced distance—in fact, a cutting-off—from the Father because He was carrying all our sins upon Himself. Why? So that you and I can experience closeness and intimacy with the Father, and cry out “Daddy!” from our hearts.

A child who cries “Daddy!” belongs in his daddy’s embrace. So when we cry out, “Daddy God!” we take our place as His beloved children, and find our strong and loving Daddy rushing in to embrace, protect and deliver us!

By Pastor Joseph Prince

The Good News

It was by faith that even Sarah was able to have a child, though she was barren and was too old. She believed that God would keep His promise.
Hebrews 11:11, NLT
God Keeps His Promises

How do you continue to believe God for the breakthrough that you need when you don’t feel that you have the faith to go on?

My friend, the answer lies in today’s scripture. Sarah was “barren and was too old” to have a child, but “by faith” she received strength to conceive and gave birth to Isaac. Her faith was involved. How did Sarah exercise her faith to receive her miracle? She simply “believed that God would keep His promise.” In other words, she banked on the faithfulness of God. Her eyes were not on her faith or lack of it, nor were they on how tough her natural circumstances were.

When you feel that your faith has run out, just rest in how God is always faithful! Count on His faithfulness, not your faithfulness. Lean hard on the fact that He remains faithful even when you’re wavering in faith (2 Timothy 2:13).

Beloved, once God gives you a promise from His Word, it’s not for you to struggle and conjure up faith to make His promise come to pass. You cannot make the miracle happen—only God can. You are to rest in Him who has promised, rest in His faithfulness, and you will experience your miracle!

By Pastor Joseph Prince

The Good News

The Lord will answer and say to His people, “Behold, I will send you grain and new wine and oil, and you will be satisfied by them…
Joel 2:19
Health Through The Oil, Bread And Wine

A brother from New Zealand shared an amazing healing testimony with me. After undergoing two surgeries, he was diagnosed with grade eight prostate cancer and given a grim report by his specialist.

A couple, who were elders from his church, anointed him with oil and prayed over him. He felt God’s power go through him. Following this, his wife would anoint him every night with a bottle of oil, and they would pray and take the Holy Communion together. His symptoms started to disappear and he began to feel so much better. At his next checkup, his specialist was amazed. She proclaimed his blood test report ‘‘fantastic” because it showed all indicators in the normal range!

Beloved, the oil, bread and wine represent Jesus’ finished work at the cross. Jesus provided His own body to be punished for the healing of your diseases and afflictions. Rest in the reality that by His stripes you are healed!

By Pastor Joseph Prince

The Good News

But the Lord was pleased to crush Him, putting Him to grief…
Isaiah 53:10, NASB
Crushed For Our Total Well-Being

How is holy anointing oil produced? By crushing olives in an oil press to extract the oil. This is a beautiful picture of the crushing of our Lord Jesus, which began in the Garden of Gethsemane. “Gethsemane” literally means “oil press.”

The Bible tells us that Jesus was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.

Jesus came to be crushed for us. He came to be bruised, scourged and pierced. Why? So that all that He is—health, life, wholeness, abundance, fruitfulness, grace, goodness—can flow out like golden oil into our lives!

My friend, whenever you use the holy anointing oil for healing, provision or protection, remember that Jesus has already been crushed for your total well-being. See the work as completely finished and enter into rest. That’s how you receive your victory!

By Pastor Joseph Prince

The Good News

And God [is] able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all [things], may have an abundance for every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:8
Blessed To Be A Blessing

Do you remember the words that God pronounced over Abraham? He said, “I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing” (Genesis 12:2).

My friend, as you trust God to walk more and more in the fullness of Abraham’s blessing, have a revelation that He blesses you because He loves you, and gives to you the privilege of being a practical extension of His love to your community, your country and beyond.

God’s financial provision is for a divine purpose. Don’t use people and love money. Instead, use money to love people! When it comes to our relationship with people, it is always more blessed to give than to receive. Have an abundant eye and heart, look around for people in need and bless them. Let your light so shine before all men for the glory of the name of Jesus Christ!

Today, see His abundant grace abounding toward you and your family so that you will have an abundance for every good work!

By Pastor Joseph Prince

The African Trillionaire: Understanding the world enables us to change it. This is the journey of understanding that which we already know